Category: Allgemein


Working from home… improvisation is everything!

In times of the corona pandemic, there is currently no way around working from home (if the job allows it). A talent for improvisation is required, especially with family and small children and, let’s say, limited space conditions!

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View Call Life Cycle

Our samwin hotline agents and field service engineers have the broadest and our developers the deepest samwin experience. Nevertheless, there are some samwin partners who have gained considerable samwin expertise over the years.

However, apart from this small circle of experts, voice engineers generally find what they are looking for in samwin, because the system has a transparent structure on the one hand and implements common standards on the other. The SIP standard is only one of many examples of central importance.

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GDPR Compliance | Call Lookup & Anonymization

One way or another, companies collect personal dates. The storage of this data is done with but also without the intention of later processing.
Quite apart from the fact that data is the oil of the 21st century, data collection has become common practice, but also is often almost inevitable. Continue Reading..


A power. A strength. A team – we support you now!

Free call centre licenses during the corona crisis for working from home too
Telephone hotlines are an indispensable component for providing people with services and information during the corona crisis.

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Invitation to the SAMWIN Business Forum on September 26th in Tyrol!

Dear samwin friends and partners,

We are pleased to invite you to this year’s samwinBusinessForum, the samwinBootcamp, in Tyrol on September 26th, 2019.
Take this opportunity to engage our engineers and developers and get first hand answers on any of your samwin issues.

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Invitation to the SAMWIN Business Forum on September 26th in Tyrol!

Dear samwin friends and partners,

Get fit with samwin and come to the samwin Business Forum on September 26, 2019 in Tyrol! There will be intensive trainings with crisp workshops at this year’s samwin bootcamp! Further details follow with the invitation.

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Invitation to the SAMWIN Business Forum on September 20th in Tyrol!

Dear samwin friends and partners,

We sincerely invite you to the samwin Business Forum in the Ötztal in Tirol on September 20, 2018.
Take advantage of the opportunity to learn new things from samwin exclusively with our specialists, to exchange knowledge and to discuss technologies in a relaxed atmosphere.
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The waiting’s over – we can now present samwin 8.
With numerous innovations and new developments, the brick-based web client is a truly outstanding product. Modules with different contents can be easily placed on the “wall” and adapted. The flexible interface gives users much more control and their daily working procedures are optimised. An unlimited range of options and displays leaves nothing to be desired.
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Invitation to the samwin SKI DAY!

Dear samwin friends and partners,

This year we’d like to invite you once again to the samwin ski day in Tyrol on 9 March 2018. Take this opportunity to experience the latest version of samwin in the exclusive company of our specialists, to exchange experiences and discuss the new technologies in a relaxed atmosphere.

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More room for manoeuvre with SAMWIN 8

New possibilities with brick-based client.

samwin 8 is the best and most versatile contact center solution in samwin’s history. It combines telephony and innovation like never before. Variability and design create new opportunities for the user.
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