Welcome to the Team, Mario!
A Personal Interview with Our New Sales Manager for Switzerland
Enrico has been with samwin for nearly 20 years and has closely followed the company's development.
What he thinks about samwin and who samwin is - find out here.
Enrico Schirmer: To me, samwin represents a highly diverse product backed by years of expertise. On the other hand, behind samwin is a very dynamic and competent team that I personally value a lot. It’s this combination of application and the people behind it that makes it unique. The samwin brand benefits from decades of development work, communication with our customers, and the knowledge that our employees carry with them. As an independent company, this provides immense added value to our partners and customers, especially in today’s times, which are marked by corporate shifts in many directions. samwin is the rock in the storm.
Enrico Schirmer: Beyond numerous technical highlights, which our specialists are happy to explain in detail, I mainly see practical approaches that clearly set us apart. For example, the fact that we are privately owned. Since its founding, Markus Meixner has been the sole owner of telecommunication software gmbH. This allows us to be agile in our actions. We can react quickly and independently to trends and developments. Our business isn’t shaped by external expectations or directives, which is a major benefit for our customers and users.
Another unique feature is our independence from manufacturers, which we’ve practiced since 2005. We maintain deep collaborations and partnerships with numerous global partners, but we never commit to a specific technological platform. With this decision, we detach ourselves from market dynamics. How often have platforms disappeared or been acquired? Nortel is just one cautionary example. For our customers, this is a clear guarantee of the security of their investments.
Another advantage I frequently encounter in conversations with our customers and partners concerns our team and our location. Our customers appreciate the reliability, consistency of our employees, and the personal contact we maintain across all teams. Additionally, the Innsbruck location - also as a German-speaking service hub - is particularly popular.
Of course, there are many other factors that set us apart, especially when you look at them together, but they go beyond the scope of this interview.
Enrico Schirmer: I see it clearly with and alongside our customers and partners. For many years, we’ve successfully practiced a joint development of samwin. Not every trend is worth pursuing right away. What’s more important is to focus our resources where our users need them and where it supports their processes. Of course, we follow and integrate current technologies - there’s no doubt about that. But we develop our future in collaboration with our users and their needs.
However, a specific development is currently emerging - almost a revolution - that I want to touch on briefly. The keyword here is AI - artificial intelligence.
This topic will drastically change our future lives. Definable and structured processes are being automated more and more, with machines taking over these tasks. This development will undoubtedly impact the field of communication. We’re already preparing for this trend. We’re currently integrating the latest and most innovative solution and interface into samwin, allowing real-time communication with AI instances. A huge leap in the evolution of contact centers. If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s both fascinating and a bit unsettling! I invite everyone to test it with us - you’ll be amazed! 😉
Enrico Schirmer: There’s a lot to like. I could go on for a while. But to highlight a few points - what I particularly love is the team behind samwin! The ideas, commitment, and dedication make the product a true solution. It’s a pleasure to lead such a team and tackle the next challenges together.
I also really enjoy working with our customers and partners, many of whom I’ve built a friendly relationship with, going beyond just day-to-day business. This is not something to be taken for granted. It’s a result of years of fair and professional cooperation on equal terms. I’d like to thank all of my customers and partners for that.
Finally, I have to mention that the challenges keep me motivated. New technologies, new markets, more employees, and new projects - these things keep it from getting boring at telecommunication toftware gmbH.
I hope that remains the case for a long time! 😉
Enrico Schirmer
with telecommunication software gmbH since 2005
after roles in marketing and sales, became operational managing director in 2021
a family man and passionate mountain rescue volunteer with a love for mountaineering (whether in winter or summer)