
WSW is a cross-regional corporation with a workforce of over 3000, serving 50,000 homes and carrying 80,000 passengers a day on local transport; it is involved in energy supply, local public transport, drinking water production and waste disposal.


In the redesign of the telecommunications system for WSW, particular importance was placed on the network control room. The special processes performed there are a hotline for reporting faults with gas, water and electricity, as well as the operations management of the WSW support network. Efficient and functional controls are right at the forefront in order to provide the WSW emergency agents with the best possible support in the event of an emergency.


In addition to numerous standard functions related to the console and the call center, the installation is particularly characterized by the following features:
A VIP menu which acoustically highlights and prioritizes calls from the police, fire brigade and other VIP users, as well as reports of gas smells. A menu for changing operational states quickly, such as incidents or major faults. The agent can change specified IVR workflows in just a few actions, activating prepared announcements. A means of recording phone calls. The caller has the option of not being recorded. Furthermore, the recording can also be started during the call to avert possible threats. A separate phone book which can be maintained and used independent of the WSW phone book. Incoming calls are detected directly, and when outgoing calls are dialed, the job-related CLID of the customer is assigned. Further functions have been implemented, such as hot buttons and one-touch keys as icons in the client view, reporting, extendible license, fail-safe operation through a redundant SIP connection.