Since the company was founded in 1997, innovaphone has significantly shaped and promoted the development of IP telephony. To this day, the owner-managed, 100% self-financed company stands for continuity, consistent value, and strong development performance. All innovaphone hardware and software solutions are developed in-house by engineers and software specialists and produced in Europe. innovaphone has more than 100 employees at its registered office in Sindelfingen, at other sites in Germany, and in three foreign branches in France, Austria, and Italy.
innovaphone and samwin have a long-standing partnership, with good cooperation in various projects and great customer satisfaction. samwin provides innovaphone with an ideal contact centre and attendant console solution.
innovaphone PBX is a powerful and sophisticated VoIP telephone system for the business environment. Alongside comprehensive IP telephony functionalities, innovaphone PBX also offers a perfectly integrated Unified Communications solution which can be activated individually at any time and at any workplace. A server is therefore not necessary. innovaphone PBX can be operated on various innovaphone VoIP gateways which are available in different sizes. Alternatively, there is also the option of disconnecting from the hardware and installing innovaphone PBX virtually as innovaphone Virtual Appliance (IPVA) in a VMware environment. With the modern innovaphone client myApps, there is also the option of easily integrating and conveniently operating the samwin software – regardless of the platform and across all end devices.